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Golf is the only sport where players willfully call a penalty on themselves. Therefore, it is the player's responsibility to know the rules.

​Lenawee County Junior Golf Tour Rules

USGA, MHSAA and local course rules and guidelines will be the rules of the day. The tournament director will explain local rules on the day of the tournament. He/she will also settle disputes and either appoint or be the "committee."


Under MHSAA rules, parents will not be allowed to coach. Parents should stay at least 25 yards away, but may encourage golfers. However, no coaching is allowed. Parents are encouraged to forecaddy in an effort to find an errant ball and speed play. Parents may talk to their child at the turn. Carts and fees for parents will be at the discretion of each golf course.


The exception: one parent of incoming 4th, 5th and 6th graders can coach so long as it does not hold up play. Parents may not call a penalty on another golfer, but are encouraged to help other golfers understand rules (if they are absolutely certain). Under MHSAA guidelines, a player has only 40 seconds once he/she reaches his/her ball. If, as a parent, the "committee" deems parents to be holding up play, they may ask the parent to refrain from coaching. If play is still slow, the "committee" may enact the 7/11 rule. (If the player has not reached the green in seven strokes, they may pick up the ball and drop it on the green. If it has not been holed out by the 11th stroke, the player can pick up the ball and record an 11 on the score card. The player must circle the hole on the scorecard to indicate the 7/11 rule was played.)

Remember the 3-3 Rule

Doubt as to Procedure


a. Procedure


In stroke play, if a competitor is doubtful of his rights or the correct procedure during the play of a hole, he may, without penalty, complete the hole with two balls.


After the doubtful situation has arisen and before taking further action, the competitor must announce to his fellow-competitor that he intends to play two balls and which ball he wishes to count if the Rules permit.


The competitor must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning his score card. If he fails to do so, he is disqualified.


All players are required to walk. However, push/pull carts may be used.


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